
Articles Posted in Employment law


When Should Businesses Support Emotional Support Animals?

By Misty J. Cygan, Attorney at Law Aileron is a trained emotional support dog. Business owners and their customers are perfectly used to service dogs who assist people with disabilities in getting around and performing daily tasks. But newer on the animal assistance front—and more murkily defined—are emotional support animals,…


What’s with the Proposed Tipping Rule Change?

A proposed federal rule change that would allow owners of restaurants, bars and other businesses whose employees receive tips to distribute those gratuities as they see fit would add flexibility for employers—but might raise questions in the minds of customers. Those who agree with the Mr. Pink character from “Reservoir…


Holiday Cheer Could Lead to a Harassment Hangover

It’s the holiday season: time for small businesses to plan their annual parties and give employees a chance to celebrate, unwind and get to know one another better, right? The correct answer is yes, but. But you need to make sure that employees understand they are still at a work-related…


Can Student Loans Ever Be Discharged?

Can Student Loans Ever Be Discharged? Yes, and there’s a new tool to help bankruptcy lawyers deter mine whether clients qualify Contrary to common perception, not all student loans can be wiped out in bankruptcy court. Although the Bankruptcy Code does protect federal loans and some private loans from discharge,…



CYBER-SECURITY–A VITAL PRECAUTION It is time for businesses to give cyber-crime protection high priority; the sooner the better.  The mounting numbers of cyber-attacks on businesses are a serious threat to every sort of commercial enterprise.  Cyber intrusions have become really dangerous, sophisticated, and commonplace. Businesses are attacked (whether they know…


Are Illinois Non-Compete Agreements Still Valid for Low-Level Employees?

Are Employee Non-Compete Agreements Still Valid for Low-Level Employees?  Non-compete arguments are staple in every Chicago Business Lawyer’s legal arsenal and a necessary to protect a business under certain circumstances.  A non-compete agreement, also known as a non-competition covenant or clause, is an agreement between an employer and an employee…


Blockchain and Chicago Businesses

Blockchain and Chicago Businesses In September of 2015, the Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society’s World Economic Forum[1] predicted that by 2025, 10% of GDP will be stored on blockchains or blockchain related technology.  If you are a Chicago business owner and you are unsure what…


Dental Offices Must Comply With New Overtime Regulations

Dentists face new problems with overtime for their employees.  The Fair Labor Standards Act[1] (FLSA) sets forth standards for both minimum wages and overtime pay as well as record keeping for businesses.  Whether your dental practice consists of two employees or a hundred employees spread across three office locations, federal…

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